Winter Mountain Training

Be bothered
Check each other
Layers off
Layers on
Gloves yes
Gloves no
Kick crampons
into icy snow

Be bothered
Be bothered just so
Stay warm
But not hot
Find a spot
Take a photo
Go wee

Be bothered
Poles out
Poles in
Ice axe out
Helmet on
Sturdy gloves
Feet sideways

Be bothered
Be bothered just so
Wooly socks
Avoid the rocks
Play in snow
And be bothered

Be bothered just so

it’s blowing a hooley

Iss: a rune of becoming

This is a mixed media art piece, the bear I found online but despite undertaking reverse image search could not find the actual artist who drew the bear 😦

Echoes of the past
Vibrate in the snow
Little clouds of icy dust
Unsettled by sound
Iss: rune of rest and pause
Life happens underneath the ice
Underneath the blanket of snow it stirs
not yet ready to wake
not yet ready to move
not yet ready to grow


Pale grey slush
Generously dispensed from above
The mornings lighten

By the way
Who thought that first R made sense?

Ice-cold faces
Attacked by even icier, colder needles
Thrown full force
Against numb skin

By the way
Wasn’t there spring in the air?
Just yesterday?

Super-moon hung hidden
Behind thick clouds
This morning
Árvakr and Alsviðr were too slow

By the way
Have you read the Edda yet?

What are the stories
That keep you going
During the dark times
In the midst of winter?


In the depth of stillness
The whole world is a soundproof room
Colours bleached with bright filter

In the depth of stillness

Green pointy ears of daffodils
Still to be seen yesterday
Misplaced optimism

In the depth of stillness

Ripe camelia buds
Covered in a thick blanket of ice
Smart move

In the depth of stillness

The snowdrops have gone under
Two blackbirds chase each other

In the depth of stillness

We all huddle down and wait
Short sprints into the eternal white
Leaves cheeks and noses red

In the depth of stillness
Stories are born